Влияние трансплантации перисинусоидальных клеток печени на регенерацию печени крыс после повреждения четыреххлористым углеродом и 2-ацетиламинофлуореном

Research in the past decade allows us to consider liver perisinusoidal cells as a possible regional stem cells of the liver. Despite of this, there is no work dedicated to study their influence to liver regeneration. The aim of this work was to study liver regeneration after liver perisinusoidal cell transplantation in rats with CCL 4 and combination of CCL 4 and 2-acetylaminofluorene damage. Our results showed that in both models of toxic damage transplanted perisinusoidal cells are found in the recipient's liver and exhibit the properties of stem cells by differentiation into hepatocytes. Transdifferentiation of injected cells into myofibroblasts was not detected which indicates the absence of liver fibrosis risk after use of this cell type for cell therapy.
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