Tiloronum and α2b-inteferon in the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia i-ii with lesions of the vaginal fornix and walls

In the study participated 62 patients with сervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) with extension to the fornix and walls of vagina. At the stage of etiological treatment the patients were divided into 2 equal groups: group A (31 patients) – 18 patients with CIN II and 13 patients with CIN I, group B (31 patients) – 18 patients with CIN II and 13 patients with CIN I. In group А patients were prescribed a standard therapy α2b-interferon 500 000 IU suppositories twice a day every day for 14 days, and 125 mg of Tiloronum every 48 hours N10. In group В patients were prescribed a standard therapy α2b-interferon 500 000 IU suppositories twice a day every day for 14 days. Assessment of colposcopic features in patients with CIN I-II after treatment showed that patients from the study group significantly more often (48.4%) compared with control group (12.9%) had a reduction of the affected area and displacement of the boundaries of CIN from walls of vagina to the cervix
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