Effect of microwave heating on solubility and digestibility of proteins and reduction of antinutrients of selected common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties grown in Ethiopia

The effects of microwave heating on antinutrients, raffinose family oligosaccharides, sucrose, in vitro protein digestibility and solubility of three selected varieties of whole common bean (Roba, Awash and Beshbesh) were evaluated. The increase in in vitro protein digestibility as a consequence of microwave heating depends on the time of heating. The best in vitro protein digestibility due to reduced antinutrients such as tannins, phytic acid and trypsin inhibitor activity was obtained with a 3-minute exposure. Protein solubility, tannins and trypsin inhibitor activity of treated whole bean samples decreased as microwave time increased. The results indicate that microwave heating can be used to effectively reduce some antinutrients and improve protein quality.
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