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Th is is %) are common t %) are common t %) are common type ype s s s of of cooking fuel use by cooking fuel use by cooking fuel use by cooking fuel use by the the households. Factors Factors Factors Factors that determine the us that determine the us that determine the us that determine the use of these fuels are cost (28.2 e of these fuels are cost (28.2 e of these fuels are cost (28.2 e of these fuels are cost (28.2%) and %) and type s of stove (19.8 of stove (19.8 of stove (19.8 of stove (19.8%). %). %). %). Alevel wareness level wareness level wareness level of associated associated associated hazards is high (62.5%) and frequency of health problems hazards is high (62.5%) and frequency of health problems hazards is high (62.5%) and frequency of health problems hazards is high (62.5%) and frequency of health problems associated with associated with associated with associated with pollutants ( 39.6 %is alarming ) is alarming ) is alarming ) is alarming. . Opening of windows Opening of windows Opening of windows Opening of windows (47.9%) and isolation of cooking (47.9%) and isolation of cooking (47.9%) and isolation of cooking (47.9%) and isolation of cooking area from living area (42.7%) were from living area (42.7%) were from living area (42.7%) were from living area (42.7%) were the common control the common control the common control the common control measures adopted. It measures adopted. It measures adopted. It measures adopted. It is is that public enlightenment on health issues relating to indoor air pollution recommended that public enlightenment on health issues relating to indoor air pollution recommended that public enlightenment on health issues relating to indoor air pollution recommended that public enlightenment on health issues relating to indoor air pollution should be emphasized, a should be emphasized, a should be emphasized, a should be emphasized, as well as implementing s well as implementing s well as implementing s well as implementing code code code codes s for for control of pollution in the i control of pollution in the i control of pollution in the i control of pollution in the indoor ndoor e e environment nvironment.
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