Transvaginal subfascial synthetic sling - "A novel technique" versus trans-obturator mid-urethral sling in female stress urinary incontinence: A comparative study.

Background To assess the treatment outcome and overall efficacy of the novel technique of a transvaginal subfascial synthetic sling (TVSS) in comparison to the standard trans-obturator tape (TOT-O) mid-urethral sling for female stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Materials and methods The study included 206 female SUI patients managed at our institution between March 2015 and December 2019. The patients were randomly distributed into 2 comparable groups (Group A as TOT-O and Group B as TVSS) with respect to age, trouble due to SUI assessed with respect to degree of incontinence (number of episodes and diapers used per day), and body mass index (≤40 kg/m2), with 100 patients in the TOT-O group as group A and 106 patients in TVSS as group B. Preoperative variables related to the number of incontinent episodes and diapers usage were equal in both groups. The procedure was done under spinal anesthesia and results were assessed in terms of improvement in SUI as the primary outcome, any sexual dysfunction, complications, and overall satisfaction as secondary outcomes. Results Symptomatic improvement after the procedure was seen in all patients with complete resolution of symptoms in 91 patients (91.%) in the TOT-O group (group A) versus 96 patients (90.56%) in the TVSS (group B). Postoperative complications included urinary retention in 6% versus 5.6%, increased day time urinary frequency in 8% versus 6.6%, urge incontinence in 4% versus 2.8%, and groin/thigh pain in 12% versus 0.9%, respectively. Mesh incision was done in 1 (1%) versus none (0%), and local mesh excision for mesh erosion in 2 (2%) versus 1 (0.9%) at 3 months after the procedure in the TOT-O group and the TVSS group, respectively. The p value and Chi-Square test with respect to the clinical profile and satisfaction with respect to complete resolution of symptoms was calculated using Open EPI software which were insignificant. Sexual function (SF) was assessed using the Brief Index of SF for Women questionnaire. All the patients were satisfied with respect to SF at 6 months of follow-up. Conclusions The TVSS as a novel technique for female SUI is less invasive, simpler to learn, with less postoperative pain with resolution of SUI, rapid recovery, and good personal satisfaction compared to the standard TOT-O in procedure.
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