rsEGFP2 enables fast RESOLFT nanoscopy of living cells.

For decades it was assumed that the diffraction of light meant that optical microscopy could not resolve features that were smaller than about the half the wavelength of the light being used to create an image. However, various ‘super-resolution’ methods have allowed researchers to overcome this diffraction limit for fluorescence imaging, which is the most popular form of microscopy used in the life sciences. This approach involves tagging the biomolecules of interest with fluorescent molecules, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), so that they can be identified in cells. An excitation laser then drives the fluorescent molecule, which is also known as a fluorophore, into an excited state: after a short time, the fluorophore can return to its ground state by releasing a fluorescence photon. Images of the sample are built up by detecting these photons. In STED super-resolution microscopy a second laser is used to instantly send the molecules from their excited or ‘on’ states back to their ground or ‘off’ states before any fluorescence can occur. The second laser beam is usually shaped like a doughnut, with a small region of low light intensity surrounded by a region of much higher intensity. STED microscopy is able to beat the diffraction limit because the second laser turns all the fluorophores ‘off’ except those in the small sub-wavelength region at the centre of the doughnut. The image is build up by scanning both lasers over the sample so that the small region in which the fluorophores are ‘on’ probes the entire cell. RESOLFT is a similar technique that employs fluorescent molecules with ‘on’ and ‘off’ times that are much longer than those used in STED microscopy. In particular, RESOLFT uses fluorescent molecules that can be rapidly switched back and forth between long-lived ‘on’ and ‘off’ states many times by the two lasers. The fact that both these states are long-lived states means that RESOLFT requires much lower laser intensities than STED, which makes it attractive for imaging biological samples over large areas or long times. RESOLFT demonstrated its suitability for bioimaging for the first time last year, with a protein called rsEGFP (reversibly switchable enhanced GFP) being employed as the fluorophore. However, the time needed to switch this protein between the ‘on state’ and the ‘off state’ was relatively long, and it took about an hour to record a typical image. Now, Grotjohann et al. have modified this protein to make a new fluorophore called rsEGFP2 with a shorter switching time, and have used it to image various structures—including Vimentin, a protein that forms part of the cytoskeleton in many cells, and organelles called peroxisomes—inside live mammalian cells. They were able to record these images some 25–250 times faster than would have been possible with previous RESOLFT approaches. The combination of RESOLFT and rsEGFP2 should allow researchers to image a wide variety of structures and processes in living cells that have not been imaged before.
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