Comparative characteristic of cognitive impairment at alcoholic and discirculatory encephalopathy

OBJECTIVE Identification of features of cognitive impairment at patients with alcoholic and discirculatory encephalopathy. MATERIAL AND METHODS 30 patients with the alcoholic encephalopathy (AE) and 32 - with discirculatory encephalopathy (DE) participated in research. To patients conducted clinical examination, a computer electroencephalography with determination of cognitive evoked potentials, neuropsychological testing. RESULTS General and distinguishing characters of a clinical picture, cognitive deficiency, disturbances in the emotional and personal sphere at patients with encephalopathies alcoholic and vascular genesis are established. CONCLUSION It is established that a basis of a clinical picture of encephalopathy of various genesis are the cognitive disturbances (CD) and an asthenic syndrome, of AE it is characteristic hyposthenic, and at DE - hyper - and hyposthenic syndromes. Changes of bioelectric activity of a brain at DE had primary localization in occipitoparietal departments of a brain, at AE - in temporal and occipitoparietal assignments. Disorder of categorial thinking, the long-term memory, reciprocal coordination, manual gnosis indicating dysfunction by a frontal, parietal lobe of the left hemisphere, a hippocampus, a corpus collosum are provided to CD in DE and AE patients. It is established that distinguishing characters of CD in AE and DE patients are values of indexes Δ-, β1-, β2-rhythms, the indicators characterizing the impressive speech, volume of visual figurative memory, level of severity of hypochondria.
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