Optimal control simulation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm in a two-dimensional double well coupled to an environment.

The quantum Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm is implemented by using vibrational modes of a two-dimensional double well. The laser fields realizing the different gates (NOT, CNOT, and HADAMARD) on the two-qubit space are computed by the multitarget optimal control theory. The stability of the performance index is checked by coupling the system to an environment. Firstly, the two-dimensional subspace is coupled to a small number Nb of oscillators in order to simulate intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution. The complete (2+Nb)D problem is solved by the coupled harmonic adiabatic channel method which allows including coupled modes up to Nb=5. Secondly, the computational subspace is coupled to a continuous bath of oscillators in order to simulate a confined environment expected to be favorable to achieve molecular computing, for instance, molecules confined in matrices or in a fullerene. The spectral density of the bath is approximated by an Ohmic law with a cutoff for some hundreds of cm−1. The time scale o...
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