The compact central source in the RX J0852-4622 supernova remnant

The central region of the recently discovered supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 was observed with the ACIS detector aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We found only one relatively bright source, about 4' north of the SNR center, with a flux of $\sim 2\times 10^{-12}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the 0.5--10 keV band. The position of this point-like source, CXOU J085201.4-461753, rules out its association with the two bright stars in the field, HD 76060 and Wray 16-30. Observations of the field with the CTIO 0.9-m telescope show a star ($R\approx 17$, $B\approx 19$) at about 2\farcs4 from the nominal X-ray position. We consider association of this star with the X-ray source unlikely and estimate a limiting magnitude of the optical counterpart as $B \ge 22.5$ and $R \ge 21.0$. Based on the X-ray-to-optical flux ratio, we argue that the X-ray source is likely the compact remnant of the supernova explosion that created the RX J0852.0-4622 SNR. The observed X-ray spectrum of the source is softer than spectra of magnetospheric radiation of rotation-powered pulsars, but it is harder than spectra of cooling neutron stars emitting thermal radiation from the entire surface, similar to the central compact source of the Cas A SNR. We suggest that CXOU J085201.4-461753 belongs to the growing family of radio-quiet compact central sources, presumably neutron stars, recently discovered in a number of SNRs.
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