An Assessment of Service Quality of Electronic Banking in Nigeria - An Issue for Value Creation.

Self service banking with regard to electronic banking in Nigeria context is too narrow to be a complete business concept, intense competition and technology based new services are shaping customers loyalty. The objective of this study is to examine the essential dimensions of self service quality with regard to electronic banking in Nigeria and its effect on value creation. Convenience sampling techniques was used. 500 questionnairs were administered to respondents in the 6 Area Council of Abuja Nigeria. Only 411 respondents returned the filled questionnaires. SPSS was used to compute and analyze the data. Correlation analysis was used to determine the variables. It indicates that convenience, efficient operation, security and privacy, reliability and responsiveness have positive relationship with e-banking service quality and e-banking service quality has positive relationship with value creation. Regression analysis was also used. The results indicates that the independent variable of e-banking service quality and dependent variable of value creation is positive and statistically significant. The study recommended that banks should augment and diversify their offering through e-banking to build a strong and sustainable relationship with customers.
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