Germination and vigour of polymer coated cotton seeds under different water holding capacities

The cotton seeds were coated with different polymers namely Genius coat 171, Genius coat 172, Arcus, Myconate and Quick roots  and evaluated for various physiological quality parameters at water holding capacities of 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 per cent  in sand medium along with untreated control seed. The seeds coated with Quick roots polymer recorded higher speed of germination (8.5), germination (88 %), root length (10.35 cm), shoot length (10.80 cm), dry matter production (489.9 mg seedlings-10) and vigour index (1861), respectively over untreated control (5.5, 68, 9.00, 9.50, 458.6 and 1258, respectively)  under suboptimal moisture condition like 30 per cent water holding capacity. Cotton seeds coated with Quick roots can tolerate both high as well as low moisture content and produce better germination and seedling establishment.
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