Принципы семейного права и их корреляция с принципами гражданского права

Family law is an independent branch of law, "spun off" from civil law, but has not lost touch with it due to the certain unity of the subject, method and principles of these branches of law. For this reason, civil law and family law principles interact within the framework of the principles of private law, but, given the specifics of the legal industry, they are implemented differently in the norms of civil and family law. The principles of family law should be primarily involved in the regulation of family law issues, as for the principles of civil law, their application is subsidiary. The following conclusions are substantiated in the article: the industry principles of family law can include: voluntary marriage between a man and a woman; equality of spouses in the family; gender equality; family education of children; priority protection of the rights and interests of minors and disabled family members; principles of family law should be distinguished from the goals and objectives of marriage and family law
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