Arenor för fysisk aktivitet, om ungdomarna får bestämma! : - En tvärsnittsstudie avseende vilka idrotts- och motionsanläggningar ungdomar vill att deras kommun satsar på.

Introduction: A physically active lifestyle is compatible with many health effects benefits for both adults and adolescents. Moreover, physical activity in adolescence is an important parameter for a continued physically active lifestyle in adulthood. However, many young people do not meet the recommendations for physical activity. Empowerment, accessibility and opportunities for their own choices are important aspects for young people to become physically active.Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to investigate which sports- and recreation facilities young people prefer and would like to see developed.Method: The design is a cross-sectional study, in which the base is a survey that covers 2,404 school children in an urban environment. The focus was on which facilities for physical activity young people felt their municipality should focus on. The questionnaire also contained background questions about the respondents’ current physical activity levels, sports club memberships, gender, immigrant background, socio-economic conditions and age.Results/Discussion: The young people most frequent selected the football field, bowling alley, gym, indoor swimming pool, sports hall and water park as their preferred exercise facilities. It is also evident that young people´s preferences for particular facilities differed among different social groups. The background factors of gender, age, physical activity and immigrant background are related to young people´s choices. At the same time, only a few choices were related to socio- economic background.
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