Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome

Introduccion. El diagnostico de sindrome cerebeloso cognitivo afectivo se debe realizar en aquellos pacientes con lesiones cerebelosas y con deficit cognitivo asociado a deficiencias neuropsicologicas visoespaciales o ejecutivas, trastornos del lenguaje expresivo y trastornos afectivos. Caso clinico. Adolescente de 16 anos diagnosticada con trastorno por deficit de atencion e hiperactividad a los 7 anos, que presenta inestabilidad emocional, apatia y discurso y lectura poco fluidos. Se observan deficiencias visoespaciales en los tests neuropsicologicos. Se realiza una resonancia magnetica cerebral por presentar alteracion de la coordinacion y motricidad fina, y se evidencia atrofia de vermis cerebeloso. La sintomatologia es compatible con sindrome cerebeloso cognitivo afectivo. Clasicamente, el cerebelo es conocido por su rol motor. Sin embargo, esta implicado en funciones cognitivas superiores, en la expresion emocional y en la regulacion conductual. El sindrome cerebeloso cognitivo afectivo es una entidad no bien conocida que debemos incluir en el diagnostico diferencial de trastornos neuropsiquiatricos con lesion cerebelar.(AU) Introduction. The diagnosis of Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome should be considered in patients with cerebellar lesions who also suffer cognitive deficits associated with visuospatial or executive neuropsychological disorders, expressive language disorders and affective disorders. Clinical case. A 16 year old adolescent diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at the age of 7 presents with emotional instability, apathy, and speech and reading difficulties. Neuropsychological tests show visuospatial difficulties. A brain magnetic resonance imaging is performed due to impaired coordination and fine motor movements and shows atrophy of the cerebellar vermis. The clinical picture suggests a diagnosis of Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome. The cerebellum is mostly known for its motor role. However, it is also involved in higher cognitive functions, expression of emotion and behavioral regulation. Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome is a relatively unknown diagnosis and should be included in the differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders with cerebellar lesion.(AU)
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