Obesity and mental disorders in childhood

The aim of the present study was to establish the prevalence and the type of psychiatric disturbances in a group of 42 obese children (18 boys aged from 6.8 to 13.8 years and 24 girls aged from 2.8 to 15.4 years; weight excess mean +/- 1SD 146.7 +/- 17.4%) and to evaluate the efficacy of a psychological approach of obesity in childhood. The children were in a normal caloric diet and they were encouraged to reach a "target weight" in a given period of time. 22 children were randomly assigned the "analyzed" group (auxological, alimentary and psychological evaluation) and 20 to the "control" group (auxological and alimentary assessment). The psychological evaluation was performed in 20 children (the parents of two children refused to give their consent) by the following tests: creative drawing test; draw a man test (Machover); draw a tree test (Koch); draw a family test (Co-man); Rorschach's test; TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) or, in the younger, the Duss's tales. The results of these psychological tests have been communicated to the patients and or parents. The children were followed for a period of 7 months. We found in 8 children (40%) personality disturbances (which were severe in two cases) and a psychological support was started. The observed main types of disturbances were depression and anxiety. Both were due to a missing harmony between their parents, to a difficult relationship either with their mother or with other children, and to the bad child's opinion of himself. In 4 subjects a psychological support associated with diet promoted a slow, progressive and continuous weight loss.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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