Review of Korean Latibulus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Cryptinae) and a key to the world species

The Korean species of the genus Latibulus Gistel (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) are reviewed. Two new species and a key to nine species are presented: Latibulus argiolus (Rossi), Latibulus bilacunitus Sheng and Xu, Latibulus flavopetiolus Oh and Lee new species, Latibulus fulvus Oh and Lee new species, Latibulus hokkaidensis Lee and Oh, Latibulus lautus (Tosquinet), Latibulus liaoningensis Sheng et al., Latibulus nigrinotum (Uchida), and Latibulus orientalis Horstmann. The genus is reported from Mongolia for the first time, based on the cocoon of an unidentified species. Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez and Polistes jadwigae jadwigae Dalla Torre (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) are reported as new host species for the genus and L. nigrinotum, respectively. Resume´—Une revision des especes coreennes du genre Latibulus Gistel (Hymenoptera: Ichneu- monidae) nous amene ad ecrire deux nouvelles especes et ar e une cled'identification des neuf especes, soit Latibulus argiolus (Rossi), Latibulus bilacunitus Sheng et Xu, Latibulus flavopetiolus Oh et Lee nouvelle espece, Latibulus fulvus Oh et Lee nouvelle espece, Latibulus hokkaidensis Lee et Oh, Latibulus lautus (Tosquinet), Latibulus liaoningensis Sheng et al., Latibulus nigrinotum (Uchida) et Latibulus orientalis Horstmann. Le genre est signalepour la premiere fois en Mongolie, d'apres le cocon d'une espece non identifiee. Polistes chinensis antennalis Perez et Polistes jadwigae jadwigae Dalla Torre (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) sont indiques comme nouvelles especes hotes, respectivement du genre et de L. nigrinotum.
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