Multimodal evoked potentials on hypoxic encephalopathy

Objective To evaluate the brain function and predict the prognosis of hypoxic encephalopathy with multimodal evoked potentials. Methods Short-latency somatosensory evoked potential(SLSEP )and Brainstem auditory evoked potential( BAEP) were used to monitor 44 coma patients caused by post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hypotension and (or) hypoxemia, to compare simple modalities, multimodalities,and simple modalities with multimodalities according to Judson, Hall, Cant, Haupt standard. Results Simple modal and multimodal grading standards were closely related to the prognosis, the higher the grade, the poorer the prognosis . The accuracy of SLSEP (Judson standard is 84.1% )was higher than that of BAEP (Hall standard is 79.5%);and the accuracy of multimodal evoked potentials (Cant standard is 88.4%) was higher than that of the simple modality. Conclusion Multimodal evoked potentials might better indicate the degree of brain function of hypoxic encephalopathy. Cant standard might be easily carried out, which might highly show the accuracy of the prognosis, and suitably to be spread and applied in work.
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