Interstices Outgrowing the Narrative in the Select Fiction of Jhumpa Lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri skillfully presents her fictional creations with gaps that explore the divergent concerns of the postmodern and postcolonial times evolving into meta-narratives. She has a place of distinction among a new generation of women writers who are ceaselessly on a quest for the multiple consciousness and the process of diasporic identity formation. While interrogating these spaces they mediate with the historical discourses such as: tradition in exile and the cross-pollination of cultural symbolism and try to relocate the spaces they come to inhabit. This paper aims at studying the interstitial outgrowths in her fictional world: The Namesake, Interpreter of Maladies, and Unaccustomed Earth as the expression of her poignant self, conveying myriad possibilities of centering the subaltern that surpass the fluid geographies and stern cultures.
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