Health Promotion for African American Elders: Church is the Likely Place

African Americans living in neighborhoods with limited access to health promotion programs, services or amenities—safe places to walk and exercise, health care facilities, senior centers, food security and affordable healthy foods, and transportation—are at risk of having poor health outcomes as they age (Balfour and Kaplan 2002; Bouchard et al. 2007; Ross and Mirowsky 2001). The Black church and its historic roots in African American communities may be a source of support (Bopp et al. 2006; Watson et al. 2003). Historically, the Black church has provided social and spiritual support networks to assist with living in rural and urban communities. Many African American elders attend church services regularly and benefit from a sense of community (Levin and Taylor 1993; Trinitapoli 2005). Therefore, this institution seems a likely place to provide health promotion services in many neighborhoods. This chapter discusses the African American church as a good location and partner for health promotion services. A framework for understanding healthy aging services is presented in a study of 38 African American churches in the Detroit, Michigan, metropolitan area, a case example to illustrate the potential of the Black church as a resource to promote healthy aging. Ideas on strategies to expand healthy aging programs and services for African American elders are discussed throughout the chapter.
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