A Prospective, Randomized Comparison of the Ease and Safety of Variceal Ligation Using a Multiband vs. a Conventional Ligation Device

Background and Study Aims: Recent advances in endoscopic technology have led to the development of multiple-banding devices which avoid the use of an overtube in endoscopic variceal ligation. In the present study we prospectively examined the safety and efficacy of one such device compared with the conventional single-band ligator. Patients and Methods: A total of 45 patients undergoing band ligation were randomly assigned to receive ligation using conventional techniques (n = 22), or multiband ligation (n = 23). Results: The use of the multiband device was associated with a significant reduction in sedation requirements (midazolam 7.1 mg vs. 9.9 mg, P < 0,01, multiband vs. conventional, respectively), less discomfort (4 % vs. 23 % severe discomfort, P < 0.05). The total time of the endoscopic session was reduced in the multiband group (8 minutes 25 seconds vs. 12 minutes 21 seconds, P < 0.01), as was the time required for application of all the bands (2 minutes 22 seconds vs. 5 minutes 34 seconds, P < 0.001), and average time taken per individual band application (36 seconds vs. 1 minute 36 secs, P < 0.01). In three patients who underwent ligation using the conventional method, the procedure was stopped because of trauma secondary to overtube application. Conclusions: Multiband ligation is safer, quicker, and associated with less patient discomfort and morbidity when compared with conventional ligation.
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