The role of non-conservative scattering forces and damping on Brownian particles in optical traps.

We consider a model of a particle trapped in a harmonic optical trap but with the addition of a non-conservative radiation induced force. This model is known to correctly describe experimentally observed trapped particle statistics for a wide range of physical parameters such as temperature and pressure. We theoretically analyse the effect of non-conservative force on the underlying steady state distribution as well as the power spectrum for the particle position. We compute perturbatively the probability distribution of the resulting non-equilibrium steady states for all dynamical regimes, underdamped through to overdamped and give expressions for the associated currents in phase space (position and velocity). We also give the spectral density of the trapped particle's position in all dynamical regimes and for any value of the non-conservative force. Signatures of the presence non-conservative forces are shown to be particularly strong for in the underdamped regime at low frequencies.
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