Factores que favorecen la trayectoria pedagógica en el primer año de la carrera de ciencias de la educación de la facultad de ciencias sociales (unlz)

This present work collects some of the studies arisen from our university (no existe 'catedra': esta 'chair'como sinonimo pero depende como se use no se entiende) research: "Aspects improving the educational carreer during the first year of Educational Science in the School of Social Science in the National University of Lomas de Zamora" created by the staff from the subject "Introduction to Education", taught during the first year of the study program for the Bachelor in Educational Science as well as for the Bachelor in Psychopedagogy (Educational Psychology), both from the School of Social Science in the National University of Lomas de Zamora. Our lectureship works commitedly to provide support, learning facilitators and teaching self-observation, with the only aim of simplifying the completion of the first year, sometimes found difficult by most students. The numbers and percentages of people failing the subject and temporarily interrupting or quitting college must encourage us to review our teaching strategies since we work for and look forward to strengthen the democratization of university education.
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