Multi-Objective Optimization for High-Dimensional Maximal Frequent Itemset Mining

The solution space of a frequent itemset generally presents exponential explosive growth because of the high-dimensional attributes of big data. However, the premise of the big data association rule analysis is to mine the frequent itemset in high-dimensional transaction sets. Traditional and classical algorithms such as the Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms, as well as their derivative algorithms, are unacceptable in practical big data analysis in an explosive solution space because of their huge consumption of storage space and running time. A multi-objective optimization algorithm was proposed to mine the frequent itemset of high-dimensional data. First, all frequent 2-itemsets were generated by scanning transaction sets based on which new items were added in as the objects of population evolution. Algorithms aim to search for the maximal frequent itemset to gather more non-void subsets because non-void subsets of frequent itemsets are all properties of frequent itemsets. During the operation of algorithms, lethal gene fragments in individuals were recorded and eliminated so that individuals may resurge. Finally, the set of the Pareto optimal solution of the frequent itemset was gained. All non-void subsets of these solutions were frequent itemsets, and all supersets are non-frequent itemsets. Finally, the practicability and validity of the proposed algorithm in big data were proven by experiments.
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