Анализ вероятности безотказной работы скважинных насосных установок с канатной штангой на месторождениях ООО «ЛУКОЙЛ-ПЕРМЬ»

The article highlights the issues of reliability of downhole pumping units with the cable rod (DPU with CR), in the wells of LUKOIL-PERM LLC. The pumping unit with the cable rod (DPU with CR) is designed for use small and medium production wells with lateral trunks of small diameter (LTSD). The cable rod is set in place an intensive set of curvature provides fold reduction of contact stress and wear rate in a friction pair «tubing-cable rod». As the cable rod is used rope enclosed design with a diameter of 20 mm State Industry Standard 10506-76 with curly Z- and X-shaped wires. For the connection of a rope with a plunger and a column of rods are used special seal, which provides uniform loading of all wire rope. From 2012 there is a pilot deploying installations with the rope in the wells of LUKOIL-PERM LLC. Currently some experience of the operation of the cable rod in the composition of the DPU with CR in the LTSD. All plants DPU with CR was equipped with 21 wells. To analyze the reliability of DPU with CR data were collected for 60 failures in 21 well-equipped DPU with CR. In the article the results of calculations of mean time and probability of DPU with CR demonstrates the necessity of using theoretical probability sequential analysis method and probabilistic models of failures in the analysis of developments in small-volume samples. Based on the method of censored samples to estimate the impact on the reliability of downhole equipment with the cable rod of factors such as the deposition of asphaltenes, resins and paraffins (ARPD), the angle of deviation from vertical and the length of the cable rod.
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