Sewage sludge treatment and use : new developments, technological aspects, and environmental effects

A SELECTION OF PAPERS PRESENTED. Opening. Opening speech of the Conference President. Concerted action "Treatment and use of organic sludge and liquid agricultural waste" (COST 681): The History. Sludge Characterization. Production, treatment and handling of sewage sludge. Physical and chemical characterization of sewage sludge. Sludge reduction possibilities as demonstrated by the chemolysis process DOW Stade GmbH. Sludge Management Options for Treatment and Disposal. Methods of applying sewage sludge to land: A review of recent developments. Alternative uses of sludge other than agricultural. Odour problems with sewage sludge. Agriculture Use of Sewage Sludge: Quality Aspects. Pathway analysis of selected organic chemicals from sewage to agricultural soil. Removal of heavy metals from sewage sludges: State of the art and perspectives. Improvement of the quality of sewage sludge: Microbiological aspects. Sludge Dewatering and Biological Conditioning. High-pressure dewatering with polymer conditioning as a prerequisite for the energy-independant incineration of sewage sludge. Sludge dewatering technology in perspective. Report of session on sludge dewatering (Sess. IV). Sludge Incineration. Technical requirements and possibilities of incineration. Environmental aspects of sludge incineration (Overview). Sewage sludge incineration and utilization of energy. Other Thermal Processes. A status report on environment Canada's: Oil from sludge technology. Thermophilic aerobic stabilization. Report of session on other thermal processes (Sess. VI). Landfilling. Influences on the mechanical properties of sewage sludge for disposal to landfill. Environmental aspects of landfilling sludge. Report of session on landfilling (Sess. VII). Poster Session. Increasing the effectiveness of sludge dewatering with filter presses. Sludge recycling in agriculture compared with other disposal methods in France. The use of municipal sewage sludge in agriculture: The role of the water authorities. Index. A FULL LIST OF PAPERS IS AVAILABLE ON REQUEST TO THE PUBLISHER
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