An electronic component package manufacturing method thereof

After the method of manufacturing an electronic component package of the present invention is used, has been arranged and forming a sealing resin layer in the first electronic component and the second electronic component on the carrier the carrier peel is removed, thereby obtaining a first electronic component and at least one electrode of the second electronic component is embedded in the sealing resin layer and such that the second electrode and the electronic component of the first electronic component exposed from the surface of the sealing resin layer precursor package. In the method of manufacturing an electronic component package of the present invention, when configuring the first electronic component and the second electronic component, the first electronic component and the second electronic component positioned in the height of the first electronic component and the second electronic component levels different from each other. Further, after removal of the carrier, according to the electrode and the electrode of the first electronic component and the exposed surface of the second electronic component is formed a metal plated layer the exposed surface contact manner.
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