Non-syndromic oligodontia in permanent dentition: a case report.

Tooth agenesis is one of the most common congenital anomalies seen in humans. Although absence of one or more teeth is common but absence of multiple teeth is rare. Oligodontia is a rare developmental anomaly, involving agenesis of six or more permanent teeth, excluding the third molars. The reported prevalence of oligodontia in permanent dentition is 0.14%. Oligodontia can present as an isolated condition or as a part of a syndrome. The present case report highlights a unique case of non syndromic oligodontia, with agenesis of four permanent incisors, left permanent canine and right second premolar in the mandibular arch and its management with a novel fixed functional prosthetic appliance. Prosthetic rehabilitation is an urgent need for these kind of patients so that they do not suffer from masticatory and esthetic problems which can eventually lower the self esteem of individuals.
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