Experimental cultivation of the Mediterranean calanoid copepods Temora stylifera and Centropages typicus in a pilot re-circulating system

A pilot re-circulating system was used for the cultivation of two Mediterranean calanoid copepods: Temora stylifera and Centropages typicus. The system automatically concentrated the naupliar and copepodite stages. Temora stylifera was fed the flagellate Rhodomonas baltica or Prorocentrum minimum, whereas C. typicus was fed with a mixture of R. baltica or P. minimum and Tetraselmis suecica. Both copepods also received Isochrysis galbana. After 21 days, the T. stylifera population increased 26-fold, reaching a density of 38 000 individuals, mostly represented by nauplii (88%). The maximum density recorded was 380 ind. L−1, with a production of 370 nauplii L−1. On average, the egg hatching success for this copepod during the rearing period was 54%, with the highest viability in April and May (>75%). The C. typicus population increased more than 10-fold after 7 weeks of rearing, reaching a density of 123 000 individuals, mainly represented by nauplii (>90%). The highest naupliar production was 100 ind. L−1, with a mean egg hatching success of 68%. This system may be useful to produce nauplii and copepodite stages to be used as live, alternative or complementary food for fish larvae or to provide a ready source of organisms for physiological and bioassay studies.
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