Visual outcome after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair surgery in patients with multifocal versus monofocal intraocular lenses.

PURPOSE To evaluate functional outcome after retinal detachment (RD) repair surgery in eyes with a multifocal intraocular lens (MIOL). SETTING Ludwig-Maximilias-University, Munich, Germany DESIGN:: Single-center case control study. METHODS Fifty-two pseudophakic eyes of 48 patients with successful anatomical outcome after surgical RD repair were included. Retrospectively, 21 MIOL eyes were compared to a matched group of 21 monofocal eyes over 6 weeks. Prospectively, corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) was evaluated over 12 months in these eyes. Furthermore, uncorrected distance, intermediate and near visual acuity (UDVA, UIVA, UNVA), defocus curves and patient reported outcomes were evaluated at 1 year in 24 MIOL eyes. RESULTS Mean CDVA (logMar) improved significantly from 1.35±1.38 to 0.29±0.37 at 6 weeks and remained stable at 12 months postoperatively in monofocal eyes (p=0.001) and from 1.16±1.2 to 0.37±0.29 (6 weeks) and 0.20±0.36 (12 months) in MIOL eyes (p=0.001). Univariate factorial ANOVA showed no significant differences in CDVA at six weeks or 12 months postoperatively neither for IOL type nor for preoperative macular status (p>0.05). In the prospective cohort of 24 MIOL eyes a mean CDVA of 0.13±0.33 logMar, UDVA of 0.21±0.34 logMar, UIVA of 0.17±0.28 logMar and UNVA of 0.23±0.32 logMar was achieved. Macular status did not affect final outcome significantly (p> 0.05). Most patients stated they usually did not need spectacles; no patient wanted MIOL replacement. CONCLUSION One year after successful anatomical repair following 23-gauge vitrectomy with gas tamponade, functionality of MIOL is restored and CDVA is comparable to that of patients with monofocal IOL.
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