Educative Virtual Technology about RenalFailure for Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis

The objective was to evaluate virtual educational technology in a blog format called "Kidney Health" on renal failure for patients undergoing hemodialysis. This is an action research conducted in the month of November, 2015 in a hemodialysis clinic. Participated 56 registered users who answered a questionnaire to evaluate the technology, made available through smartphones, tablets and computers. The history of the disease and socioeconomic factors were also investigated. For data analysis, we used average, absolute and relative frequency descriptive statistics. Ethical aspects have been respected. Among the subjects, there was predominance of males (64.28%) and age over 50 (19.64%). Regarding technology evaluation, 53 subjects (94.64%) would recommend the blog to friends and family. The items considered most enlightening were "Healthy eating" (46.43%) and also "What is transplantation?" and "On the kidneys" (33.93%). The evaluation of the blog confirmed its viability as a means of effective health education to clarify the most varied health issues in the scenario of renal failure.
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