Stratigraphic record of thrust propagation, Carboniferous foreland basin, Pyrenees, with emphasis on Pays-de-Sault (France/Spain)

The Carboniferous culm of the Pays-de-Sault is divided into two diachronous and synshortening series. These series are dated Late Visean (Pic d'Ourtiset series in a northern overthrust unit) and Early Namurian E2 (La Fajolle series in a southern underthrust unit) from an association of foraminifers, algae, and microproblematica identified in clasts of conglomerates. According to structural positions and facies criteria, these two series are interpreted as two turbiditic depocenters which were generated by southward thrust propagation during Late Visean and Early Namurian. At the scale of the Pyrenean Hercynian range, this evolution is consistent with a thrust and depocenter sequence propagating on the wedge-top depozone of a foreland basin system from the northeast (Mouthoumet subpyrenean massif) to the southwest (end of the High Primary Range) during Late Visean to Westphalian C time interval.
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