Кертмановский колорит англоведения

The article examines the history of Perm academic school of English Studies which was founded by Professor Lev Kertman who was dismissed from Kiev University in 1949 during the anti-cosmopolitan campaign and started to head the Department of General History in Perm University. Due to Kertman different trends in labour and socialist movement in England became the main academic issue of the Department. The analysis of many interconnected components such as economical and political institutes, ideological concepts, systems of values, psychological factors etc. was the specific feature of Perm studies of English history. The article examines different works of Perm researchers in the 1950-1960-s connected with the chosen problem of labour movement and the development of English studies during next decades. For example in the 1970s Kertman and his disciples started to work in the field of cultural history, and the main example was Kertman's book «Geography, history and culture of England»; in the 1980s the founder of the Department was interested in writing biographies. The article deals also with the current situation in English studies in Perm which shows that the interest of Perm researchers in the field of history and political science is connected mainly with the analysis of intellectual space, political culture or gender aspects of English history and politics. In spite of different academic interests of Kertman's followers English Studies remain one of the main objects of their attention.
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