Hemorrheologic effect of diuretics in the control of blood pressure in the hypertensive patient

Background: Diuretics are the first choice as an antihypertensive, because of its efficacy and cost, however its mechanism of action is not well understood. The aim of this work was to analyze the hemorrheological effect of the diuretics as vasodilators in patients with newly diagnosed arterial hypertension. Metodos: A los pacientes con hipertension arterial se les dieron recomendaciones de dieta, ejercicio y se prescribio 25 mg de clortalidona al dia; se determinaron hemoglobina/hematocrito, viscosidad y oxido nitrico (ON) basal, a los 15 y 45 dias y se compararon con sujetos sanos. Results: We included 28 patients with average age of 48 years old; systolic blood pressure in the treated patients decreased from baseline at 15 days from 130 to 119 mm Hg and at 114 mmHg at 15 to 45 days; diastolic blood pressure decreased from baseline at 15 days from 103 to 97 mm Hg, and at 93 mmHg at 15 to 45 days. The hematocrit increased in both men and women with a statistical significance of the baseline period at 15 days, after that, it remained without significative changes. The viscosity increased similarly to the hematocrit, which conditioned the ON elevation. Conclusiones: El incremento del hematocrito debido al diuretico causo elevacion de la viscosidad sanguinea, lo que condujo a incremento del oxido nitrico, repercutiendo en el descenso de la presion arterial.
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