A Survey on Knowledge of Medical Emergencies and Its Management among the Under-Graduate (UG) Clinical Students of a Dental College in Pondicherry, India

Introduction: Dentist can encounter a medical emergency during any phase of the dental treatment. It isessential for the clinician to accurately identify and manage a life threatening situation in patients undergoingdental treatment. The aim of the present study is to assess the knowledge on medical emergencies and itsmanagement among dental clinical students of a dental college in Pondicherry.Materials and Methods: A retrospective questionnaire study was conducted among 135 under-graduate(UG) students to assess their knowledge on various medical emergency conditions and its management fromtheir level of perception in clinical postings.Results: The overall knowledge regarding identification and management of medical emergencies amongthe study population was found to be inadequate.Conclusion: Every dentist must be prepared for an emergency and believing it can be a real possibilityis of paramount importance. It cannot be completely prevented but efficiently managed with appropriateknowledge of signs, symptoms and management techniques.
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