A Review on Path Physiology and Therapeutic Target of Hypertension

Hypertension can be regarded as the number one worldwide disease suffered by a huge number of people especially at old age and women during pregnancy. Moreover, nowadays, it occurs due to some underlying pathologies. Based on that, we currently classify hypertension in to main two groups, viz:Primary Hypertension (Essential Hypertension) which occurs due to anonymous cause. But it is highly associated with family history of the disease, inappropriate diet intake, lack of exerciseEtc.Secondary hypertension which can be resulted because of some underlying pathologies such as kidney disorders, drugs, Obstructive sleep apnea, thyroid problem etc.Based on severity, condition, Elevated Blood Pressure can be categorized as Normal, Moderate, Mild, and Severe Blood Pressure. However, there are some complications which occur as a result of hypertension such as chest pain which has severe harmful effect to the heart muscle. Moreover, we now understand that the blood supply is mandatory to the heart, otherwise the heart will not work and finally the damage of the heart muscle can be resulted. Nowadays, there are some measures carried out to manage hypertension, such as exercise for at least 30 minutes like three times a week can be regarded as normal especially for a starter, this will help tremendously in preventing of hypertension. Withdrawal or regulating of alcohol intake, consumption of balanced diet, monitoring of blood pressure plays important role in management and prevention of “Hypertension”.Nevertheless, it has been observed that antihypertensive drugs are used at different stages of hypertension to manage elevated Blood Pressure. Which include “Diuretics, ACE Inhibitors, Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonist, Alpha blockers, Beta Blockers, Calcium Channel Blockers, Alpha 2 Agonist, Vasodilators, and Renin Inhibitors”.
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