Evolução da paisagem costeira da Coroa do Meio e Atalaia – Aracaju-SE

The coastal landscape is an interacting system due to the interaction of continental, atmospheric, oceanographic and anthropogenic processes. The aim of this paper is to analyze the coastal landscape evolution of the Coroa do Meio and Atalaia – Aracaju - SE. The methodological approach used was: landscape units mapping for 1965 and 2008 using Spring 5.1.6. For data analysis, the Patch-Corridor-Matrix model was used. The landscape units mapped were: Beach, Dune/Interdune, Tidal Flat, Fluviomarine Terrace and Human Occupation. The model analysis showed that human occupation represented the patch and natural units represented the matrix in 1965. This scenario has changed in 2008; the human occupation came to represent the matrix, whereas the natural units represented the patch. The access routes were responsible for the consolidation of the occupation as matrix. Thus, human occupation expanded over the natural landscape units over time. This work provides subsidies for environmental planning for the studied area.
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