A Comparison of the Gland of Harder Response and Head-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (HALT) Morphology in Chickens and Turkeys

SUMMARY. The immunofunctional response of the gland of Harder (GH) was compared in chickens and turkeys using an in vivo assay previously developed for use in chickens. The GH were surgically removed (GHx) from leghorn chicks at 1 day of age and from poults at 2 days of age. Intact birds of each species served as controls. During the fourth week of age, both GH-intact and GHx chicks were exposed to killed Brucella abortusantigen by the ocular or intraperitoneal route. One week later, serum and tears were collected and assayed for antibodies to B. abortus. In addition, all birds were killed at the end of the trial period, and the heads were fixed and processed for histologic examination. Various components of the head-associated lymphoid tissue (HALT) including the GH, nasal glands, lacrimal glands, lacrimal ducts, eyelid conjunctiva, and nasal cavity mucosa/submucosa, were evaluated microscopically using a scoring system to estimate quantity and degree of development of immune tissue in those sites.
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