Методы оценки риска в системе управления охраной труда

Purpose. This article compares modern methods for assessing occupational risks for employees used in the occupational safety management system in domestic and foreign practice. Methods. These methods include matrix methods for assessing risk in the coordinate system «probability of an event – the consequences of an event», the Elmeri system, the Fine-Kinney technique, OVR, proposed by the ANO «Labor Safety Institute», the expert methodology «Five Steps for Risk Assessment», the methodology of the Labor Research Institute of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus, the methodology of Norwegian company Det Norske Veritas, and the method of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), as well as others. Findings. The interpretation of occupational risk from the perspective of occupational medicine, occupational safety and social insurance is presented. Application field of research. At the present stage of functioning of occupational safety management systems it is impossible to speak about the existence of a single methodological approach to the definition of occupational risks. Conclusions. There is also no universal method of assessment of occupational risks, each of the methods used has advantages and disadvantages, but all are focused on improving working conditions in the workplace, preservation of life and health of the employee.
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