This paper reports three new species and one species group of Phaonia R.-D., collectedfrom the eastern Kanlun-Aerjin Mountains (36°-39°20′N, 87°10′-91°18′E). The types spe-cimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Shenyang Normal College. Phaonia nasiglobata species-group is closely related to the Phaonia tenuiseta species-group,but it differs from the latter in having fine black hairs on lateral margin and ventral surface ofbasal part of scutellum, lower half of face dilative; 5th sternite of male squarish (figs. 1, 2). 1. Phaonia aureolitarsis sp. nov. (figs. 3-6) : Body length 8.5-9.5mm. Eyes covered with pale long hairs; frons about 3 times aswide as distance between posterior ocelli inclusive, parafacialia about twice the width of 3rdantnnal segment, antennae and palpi black. Acr 0+1, dc 2+4, pra about as long as the 2ndntpl seta; prosternum hairy, notopleura and hypopleura bare. Legs black, the ends of tibiaeand the tarsi yellow, fore tibia with a p seta, fore metatarsus with 1-2 spinulae ventraly atthe base; mid femur with a row of pv setae on the basal half part, mid tibia with one ad, 2-3p and a row of pv setae on the distal half part, 1st sternite bare. : Head dichoptic and the eyes separated by about the width of an eye; with two ors setae;mid tibia with 2 ad and 2 pv. Holotype, Aqike, Xinjiang, lakeside, 4300m, July 23, 1984; allotype, Dingzikou,Xinjiang, grassland, 4280m, July 19, 1984; paratypes. 2, same data as the holotype, 1,Kucaogou, Xinjiang, grassland, July 14, 1984; taken by Xiang Chaoqun. This new species is closely related to the Phaonia rufitarsis (Stein, 1907), but it differsfrom the latter in the width of frons in male being rather broad, eyes separated by 3.2 timeswidth of 3rd antennal segment; hypopleura without fine hairs; hind femur crooked, hind tro-chanter with a spinulose cluster. 2. Phaonia nasiglobata sp. nov. (figs. 7, 8) : Body length 10.5mm. Eyes covered with pale long hairs; frons about twice as wide asdistance between posterior ocelli inclusive, with two ors setae; antennae black, 3rd segmentabout 2 times as long as wide, peristomal setae dense and strong, genae about 1/3 the eye height.Acr 0+2, dc 3+4, pra about as long as the 2nd ntpl seta; prosternum hairy, notopleura andhypopleura bare; scurellum with black hairs on lateral margin and ventral surface of basal part. Legs black, fore tibia with a p seta; mid femur with a row of long pv becoming stronger to-wards apex of the femur, mid tibia with 2-3 p and 1-2 pv; hind femur with a row of longav setae, sparse long pv setae on the basal half, hind tibia with 4 av. 2 ad and 1 pd. 1st sternitebare. : Unknown. Holotype, Aqike, Xinjiang, lakeside, 4300m, July 23, 1984; collected by Xiang Chao-qun. This new species is closely similar to the Phaonia subdecussata Hennig, 1963, but differsfrom the latter in the fore tibia with a p seta, mid femur with a row of long pv setae, midtibia with pv setae; scutellum with black hairs on lateral margin and ventral surface of basalpart. 3. Phaonia sinidecussata sp. nov. (figs. 9, 10) : Body length 12mm. Eyes densely covered with long hairs; frontal stripe about 2 timesas weide as distance between posterior ocelli inclusive, with 4-5 ors setae, antennae black (3rdsegment broken off), epistoma protrudent beyond the level of vibrissal angles, proboscis andpalpi long and slender, mentum thinly dusted. Ground-colour of thorax black, acr 0+1, dc3+4, pra shorter than 2nd ntpl seta; prosternum hairy, beret setose, hypopleura with severalsetulae below metaspiracle, scutellum with black hairs on lateral margin and ventral surfaceof basal part, halter black-brown. Legs black, fore tibia with a p seta; mid and hind femoraat basal 2/3 with a row of long pv setae; mid tibia with 2 ad, 2 pd, 3 p and 1 pv; hind tibiawith 5 av. 3-4 ad and 1 pd. 1st sternite bare. : Unknown. Holotype, Kaerdong, Xinjiang, 4100m, June 22, 1984, taken by Xiang Chaoqun. This new species is closely related to Phaonia dccussata (Stein, 1907), but it differs fromthe latter in the mentum about 7 times as long as height; beret
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