Полиморфизм микросателлитных локусов сортов яблони (Malus domestica Borkh.) современной селекции ФГБНУ ВСТИСП

The results of application of microsatellite markers for the study of genetic diversity of 16 apples varieties breeding in All Russian Research Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnics and Nursery on the basis of Vavilov Institute of General Genetics are presented. The DNA of all analyzed apple varieties was isolated from fresh young leaves by the STAB method. For the analysis, 10 SSR markers were selected: CH02c02b, CH03d01, CH03a04, CH02g04, CH01f03b, CH04e03, CH03d08, CH03d11, CH05g08, CH03d12. Amplifi cation of the SSR-loci selected for analysis was carried out using reagents manufactured by Dialat Ltd., in the T100 Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad). As a result, 75 allelic variants were identifi ed at ten of the studied loci. The number of alleles per locus varied from 5 (CH04e03, CH03d11, CH05g08) to 11 (CH03d01, CH03a04), and averaged 7.5 alleles per locus. For each of the microsatellite loci studied, clear and reproducible results of fragment analysis were obtained. On the analyzed 16 apple varieties 75 alleles at ten studied loci were revealed. For one variety on all microsatellite loci used in the analysis, 17 to 20 alleles were amplifi ed. For all studied varieties, except Triumph variety, at least in one of the 10 examined SSR, loci allelic variants or combinations of allelic variants were marked and they not were found in other varieties of the sample. At the varieties Legenda, Marat Busurin and Mayak Zagor’ya, such specifi c allelic combinations of allelic variants were revealed in six of the ten analyzed loci. The value of the informative index (PIC) was ranged from 0.49 (CH03d11) to 0.84 (CH03a04) and averaged 0.720. The indicators of the expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosity were varied from 0.54 (CH03d11) and 0.50 (CH04e03) to 0.85 (CH03a04) and 1 (CH02g04, CH01f03b and CH03d12) with an average value of 0.752 (He) and 0.838 (Ho). All the studied SSR loci showed a fairly high level of polymorphism. Data on the allelic composition of the 16 studied apple varieties can be used to identify and certify these varieties.
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