Basic studies on hybrid wheat breeding using the 1BL-1RS translocation chromosome / Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm system. 1. Development of male sterile and maintainer lines with discovery of a new fertility-restorer

The Aegilops kotschyi cytoplasm and a 1BL-1RS translocation chromosome that consists of the long arm of wheat chromosome 1B and the short arm of rye chromosome 1R were transferred to six spring common wheat cultivars by repeated backcrossing. Resistance to leaf rust race 21B conditioned by the Lr26 gene and a secalin subunit encoded by the Sec-1 gene, both on the 1RS arm, were used as the selection markers of the translocation chromosome. Five of the six cultivars used were converted to complete male steriles, whereas the remaining one, cv. Kitamiharu 48, retained normal fertility, after transfer of both the 1BL-1RS chromosome and Ae. Kotschyi cytoplasm. Conventional gene analysis suggested that Kitamiharu 48 carries an incompletely dominant fertility-restoring gene. The F1 hybrids between the male steriles and ordinary common wheat cultivars recovered fertility only at a low level, indicating that a single dose of the Rfv1 gene on the 1BS arm of wheat is insufficient for full fertility restoration under spring-sowing condition. Our results are in clear contrast to complete fertility restoration under fall-sowing condition reported by Nonaka et al. (1993). Combination of the 1BL-1RS chromosome / Ae. Kotschyi cytoplasm system with a new fertility-restoring gene discovered in Kitamiharu 48 may provide a breakthrough for spring-type hybrid wheat.
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