Penggemukan sapi menggunakan pakan tanpa hijauan (complete feed) di era pandemi covid-19 (Fattening of beef cattle using green-free feed (complete feed) in the era of the covid-19 pandemic)

ABSTRACT Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah (PPPUD) ini bertujuan mengetahui peningkatan berat badan berbagai jenis sapi menggunakan pakan tanpa hijauan dan growth promotor di era pandemic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pada UMKM penggemukan sapi potong.  Hal ini diperlukan guna mengetahui jenis sapi yang peningkatan berat badannya paling baik. Metode pengumpulan data pada PPPUD ini adalah dengan wawancara/kuesioner, pembuatan pakan tanpa hijauan, growth promotor serta fermentor. Pakan hasil PPPUD diaplikasikan pada 5 jenis sapi potong yaitu sapi lokal, sapi peranakan ongole, sapi madura, sapi peranakan Limousin dan sapi peranakan Simental.  Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan mulai bulan Pebruari – hingga bulan Juni 2021. Hasil dari PPPUD ini adalah meningkatkan SDM peternak sapi potong dalam pengolahan pakan tanpa hijauan, growth promotor dan fermentor, jenis sapi potong yang peningkatan berat badannya bagus. Ditemukan permasalahan di era pandemi COVID-19 terhadap peternak sapi potong yaitu sumber daya manusia dalam pengolahan pakan tanpa hijauan guna menekan biaya produksi dan mengantisipasi kemarau berkepanjangan. Langkah pemerintah dapat mengambil keputusan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut seperti pemberian bantuan modal usaha, penangguhan pembayaran pinjaman, hingga mendampingi peternak sapi potong.. Kesimpulan kegiatan ini adalah pengolahan pakan tanpa hijauan, growth promotor dan feremntor di era pandemi COVID-19 guna menekan biaya produksi.serta pemasaran ternak secara daring dengan pembayaran secara nontunai.     Sapi peranakan Limousin dan peranakan Simental mempunyai peningkatan berat badan yang baik dibandingkan sapi lokal, sapi peranakan ongole dan sapi madura. Keywords: complete feed, tape jerami, growth promotor, sapi potong ABSTRACT The Regional Superior Product Development Program (RSPD)) aims to determine the increase in body weight of various types of cattle using feed without forage and growth promoters in the era of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in beef cattle fattening SMEs. This is necessary to determine the type of cow with the best weight gain. Data collection methods at RSPD are by interview/questionnaire, making feed without forage, growth promoter and fermenter. The feed from RSPD was applied to 5 types of beef cattle, namely local cattle, Ongole crossbreeds, Madura cattle, Limousin crossbreeds and Simmental crossbreeds. This activity is carried out from February – until June 2021. The result of this RSPD is to increase the human resources of beef cattle breeders in processing feed without forage, growth promoters and fermenters, types of beef cattle with good weight gain. Problems were found in the COVID-19 pandemic era for beef cattle farmers, namely human resources in processing feed without forage in order to reduce production costs and anticipate prolonged droughts. The government's steps can take decisions to overcome these problems, such as providing business capital assistance, deferring loan payments, to assisting beef cattle farmers. The conclusion of this activity is the processing of feed without forage, growth promoters and fermentors in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to reduce production costs. and online marketing of livestock with non-cash payments. Limousin and Simental crossbreeds had good weight gain compared to local cattle, Ongole crossbreeds and Madura cattle. Keywords: complete feed, straw tape, growth promoter, Beef cattle
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