Morvan's Disease Associated with Syringomyelia and Arnold-Chiari Malformation

Ho we ver, in the up per limb, the re is litt le or no de for mity in early ca ses. De for mi ti es of the mo re ad van ced di se a se may inc lu de ex ten si on at the me ta car pop ha lan ge al jo ints, fi xed fle xi on of the di gits, was ting of the intrin sic musc les and so me ti mes trop hic chan ges, swel ling of the fin gers, scars of burns, ul cers or ex ces si ve cal lus for ma ti on gi ving the clas si cal pic tu re of “la ma in suc cu len te ”. “Mor van’s di se a se ” re fers to the re sorp ti on of the termi nal pha lan ges.3
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