Generalist social work practice : a strengths-based problem-solving approach

In Her Own Words Preface Navigating Direct Practice About the Authors PART I COMMON COMPONENTS OF THE GENERAL METHOD Chapter 1 The Foundation for Generalist Practice in Social Work Holism and Social Work Generalist Practice in Social Work The Foundation of Social Work Practice Purpose Sanction Values and Ethics Knowledge Methods and Skills The Generalist Perspective Ecological-Systems Perspective A Problem / Strengths Focus A Strengths / Needs Orientation A Multilevel Approach Open Selection of Theories and Interventions A Strengths-Based Problem-Solving Process Practice and Program Evaluation The General Method Entry-Level and Graduate-Level Practice Summary Reflection Points Chapter 2 Human Diversity: Multiculturalism, Social Pluralism, and Socio-Demographic Variability Multiculturalism Concepts and Discussion Self-Assessment of Cultural Sensitivity Social Pluralism Concepts and Discussion Self-Assessment of Sensitivity to Social Pluralism Socio-Demographic Variability Concepts and Discussion A Holistic Framework for Sensitivity to Human Variability Summary Reflection Points Chapter 3 Building Empirical Evidence for Practice Reasons for Evaluation Ongoing Process of Service Delivery Quality Assurance Accountability Goal Attainment Brief History and Scope of Practice Research in Social Work Steps in Building Empirical Evidence for Social Work The Role of Theory in Building Empirical Evidence for Practice Essential Components of Building Evidence for Practice Conceptual and Operational Definitions Outcomes Interventions Practice Guidelines Developing a Scientific Approach to Practice Ethical and Evidentiary Decision-Making Process Identifying Sources for Building Evidence in Practice Information Questioning Searching Analyzing Types of Research Studies Applying and Evaluating Common Strategies for Engaging in Practice Evaluation Rapid Assessment Instruments Client System Focused Measures for Self-Observed Data Single Subject Design Measuring Process Summary Reflection Points Chapter 4 Strengths-Based Problem-Solving Interviews The General Method An Overview The Interview Process The Empowerment Perspective Overview Historical Roots The Empowerment Paradigm and Processes The Strengths Perspective Overview Historical Roots Principles Interview Questions Risk and Resilience Perspective Overview of Component Parts Population Specificity Case Example Professional Relationship The General Method Interview Interviewing Techniques Pitfalls to Avoid in Interviews Summary Reflection Points PART II THE PHASES AND PROCESSES OF THE GENERAL METHOD Chapter 5 Engagement Establishing Professional Relational Boundaries Identifying Problems, Needs, and Strengths Recognizing Feelings and Reactions In Micro and Mezzo Client Systems In Macro Client Systems Increasing Client System Investment Determining Goals Making Initial Plans With Client Systems With Action Systems Monitoring the Engagement Phase Working with Different Systems Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Engagement Human Diversity in Engagement Ongoing Cases: Engagement Phase Summary Reflection Points Chapter 6 Data Collection Gathering Data Informed Consent and Assent Basic Categories for Data Collection The Problems/Needs The Persons The Environment Maintaining Confidentiality Fact versus Assumption Recording Data Process Recordings Summary Recordings Problem-Oriented Recordings Other Record Forms Monitoring the Data Collection Process Working with Different Client Systems Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Data Collection Human Diversity in Data Collection Ongoing Cases: Data Collection Phase Summary Reflection Points Chapter 7 Assessment and Contract Planning Assessment Process Assessment Statement Problem Prioritization Goal Setting Contract Planning Monitoring the Assessment and Contract Planning Process Working with Different Client Systems Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Assessment and Contract Planning Human Diversity in Assessment and Contract Planning Ongoing Cases: Assessment and Contract Planning Phase Summary Reflection Points Chapter 8 Intervention in Micro and Mezzo Generalist Practice Overview Counseling With Individual and Family Client Systems Information and Referral Crisis Intervention Small Group Intervention Task Groups Psychosocial Intervention Groups Case Management and Teamwork Designs for Micro and Mezzo Interventions Monitoring Intervention Working with Different Client Systems Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Intervention Human Diversity in Intervention Ongoing Cases: Intervention Phase of Micro and Mezzo Generalist Practice Summary Reflection Points Chapter 9 Intervention in Macro Generalist Practice Overview Macro Practice Knowledge and Skills Empowerment as Process and Outcome The Community Organizations Funding Sources Group Interaction Skills Social and Political Advocacy Social Planning and Community Development Locality Development Internal Organizational Change Designs for Macro Intervention Monitoring Intervention in Macro Practice Working with Different Client and Professional Systems Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Intervention Human Diversity in Intervention Ongoing Cases: Intervention Phase Summary Reflection Points Chapter 10 Evaluation Goal Analysis Contract Review Contract Reformulation Evaluation Questions Ongoing Evaluation Working with Different Client Systems Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Evaluation Human Diversity in Evaluation Ongoing Cases: Evaluation Phase Summary Reflection Points Chapter 11 Termination The Meaning of Termination Core Tasks in the Termination Process Deciding to Terminate Reviewing Progress Reinforcing Strengths-Based Problem-Solving Skills Generalizing to the Future Addressing Reactions to Ending Stabilizing Change Monitoring the Termination Process Working with Different Systems Micro Client Systems Mezzo Client Systems Macro Client Systems Action Systems Reactions of Social Workers Developing Sensitivity and Skills Using Social Work Foundation Knowledge in Termination Human Diversity in Termination Ongoing Cases: Termination Phase Summary Reflection Points Bibliography Appendices Appendix A Internet Resources Appendix B Social Work Journal Resources
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