Training nurses in trauma management.

Although trAumA is a leading cause of death in the uK (National Confidential Enquiry into Patient outcome and Death 2007), deficiencies in trauma care in the uK have been highlighted since 1998. twenty five years ago, Anderson et al (1988) conducted a retrospective analysis of 1,000 trauma deaths and found many examples of deficient management. Yet, as recently as three years ago, outcomes of trauma care were found still to be poor (National Audit office 2010). In 2008, lord Darzi suggested the development of a trauma system and establishment of major trauma centres (Department of health (Dh) 2008). two years later, the NhS Clinical Advisory group (CAg) on trauma (2010) published recommendations for trauma networks, and highlighted the importance of education and staff preparation for major trauma management. this article reports on the development and delivery of an educational programme for nurses and allied health professionals (AhPs) involved in major trauma management in emergency departments (EDs). the CAg report points out that, because ED staff encounter major trauma cases infrequently, they do not always retain knowledge of, and skills in, trauma management. the report also recommends that trauma team members complete trauma‐management courses equivalent to the advanced trauma life support (AtlS) programme or the advanced trauma nursing course (AtNC), and demonstrate competence in the skills they acquire. trauma teams require specific training and nurses in enhanced‐care teams involved in inter‐hospital transfers require educational support. the Centre for Workforce Intelligence (2011) emphasises the need for consistency of nurse staffing, education and training across all units, and for collaboration between emergency nursing teams. All emergency nurses in trauma units and major trauma centres should attend an introductory course on trauma management. those expected to take on leadership roles, meanwhile, should attend more advanced courses, such as the AtNC, the European trauma course or the trauma nursing core course (tNCC), and pre‐hospital emergency care programmes involving simulated‐trauma moulages. trAININg NurSES IN trAumA mANAgEmENt
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