Exclusion from school : inter-professional issues for policy and practice

Part I. Trends and Theoretical Overview 1. Exlusions - Trends and Issues 2. Stories of Exclusion: Natural and Unnatural Selection 3. The Signal of Failure: School Exclusions and the Market System of Education 4. Government Policy and Disadvantaged Children 5. Black Boys Excluded from School: Race or Masculinity Issues? 6. No Home, No School, No Future: Exclusions and Children Who Are 'Looked After' 7. Professionals, Children and Power Part II. Consequences of Exclusions 8. The Cost of Primary School Exclusions 9. The Effects of Waiting on Excluded Children 10. Who Excludes Whom? The Personal Experience of Exclusion 11. Tales from the Exclusion Zone: The Views of Teachers and Pupils 12. Damaged Goods? An Interpretation of Excluded Pupil's Perceptions of Schooling Part III. Preventative Strategies and Policies 13. The Staff Sharing Scheme: A School-Based Management System for Working with Challenging Child Behaviour 14. Resisting the Trend to Exclude 15. Primary School Exclusions: The Need for Integrated Solutions 16. Exclusion from School: The Role of Outside Agencies 17. Cities in Schools: A New Approach for Excluded Children and Young People References. Index.
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