Evaluation of antiretroviral treatment in HIV infected adult in the department of dermatological venereology of the Donka National Hospital

: Si l'utilisation des multitherapies antiretro-virales (ARV) a grandement ameliore la survie, la morbidite et la qualite de vie des PVVIH dans les pays du Nord, dans les pays du Sud, et notamment en Afrique, de nombreux obstacles ont freine leur utilisation. C'est ainsi que le suivi des patients sous ARV dans certains pays en voie de developpement est encore timide voir inexistant. OBJECTIF: L'objectif de ce travail etait de rapporter les reponses therapeutiques obtenues apres une periode minimale de six mois de suivi chez des patients VIH+ admis en consultations externes ou a la suite d'hospitalisations. MATERIEL ET METHODES: Il s'agissait d'une etude retrospective de type descriptif concernant les patients suivis dans la periode du 1er janvier 2004 au 31 decembre 2008, soit 5 ans. RESULTS: Our study concerned 275 patients including 61.41% women with a sex-ratio (M/W) of 0.62. The average age of our patients was of 36.83 [rage: 18-70]. The initial average weight of our patients was 59.88 kg [range: 30-107] with the majority (66.91%) at the stage III of the WHO clinical classification. The serologic profile was dominated by HIV1 (97.09%) with a number of average CD4 of 210.99 cells/mm3 at the initiation of the ARV treatment. The evolution under treatment was marked clinically by an average ponderal gain of 7,45kg, with weight increasing from 59.88 kg to 67.33 kg between M0 and M54. Biologically, the number of average CD4 increased from 210.99 to 643 between M0 and M48 with an average gain of 432.01 cells/mm3. On the virological level, the plasmatic viral load was carried out for 64 patients out of 275. It was undetectable in 31 patients, be it 48.44%. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the therapeutic outcomes of the patients under HAART was good at the end of this study with a satisfactory clinical issue, marked by an increase in the average weight which corroborates a good immunological and virological response.
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