A Plan for Collecting Ada Software Development Cost, Schedule, and Environment Data.

Abstract : This report identifies data that can be collected and used to measure the impact Ada has on the cost of developing military-standard software. Several potential cost driver impacts and issues have been identified. This task was completed using the following steps. First, a literature search was performed as described in section 3. Next, an interview questionnaire was created to be used as a basis for interviews with software modelers, Ada software engineering experts, and Ada project managers. Their responses to the interview questions, detailed in sections 4 and 5, expanded the issues and impacts determined from the literature search. Then, the Ada cost driver issues and impacts were used to modify existing data collection packages to be used to draw out the Ada cost impacts. Data elements that need to be collected and methodologies to be used when developing an Ada Software Cost Database were identified. Various data collection formats that can be used for data collection and cross references the data elements with ESD TR-87-166 are presented.
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