Advocating Environmental Issues Beyond Photography

Disenchanted with traditional media (e.g., newspapers, television, radio) and political scheming of environmental issues, photographers have recently cultivated media partnerships and alliances with specialized entities to tell stories through niche media channels and emerging media platforms (e.g., email, blogs, websites, podcasts, social media). Therefore, this research explored how modern photographers visualize what is happening to people, places, and spaces on a changing planet and how they use emerging technologies in an effort to make a difference. Interviews with photographers working with environment and nature organizations revealed for now, photographers’ use all media to generate awareness and compel action. The bulk of the photographers interviewed also are rethinking storytelling through a collaboration of media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, blogs, websites, etc.) to show how humankind have affected the degradation of the Earth and all its inhabitants; and, with any luck stir their emotions so t...
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