Desarrollo de competencias científicas mediante una unidad didáctica de ecosistemas en grado sexto

espanolEl articulo tiene como proposito presentar los resultados de una investigacion orientada al fortalecimiento de competencias cientificas en estudiantes mediante una unidad didactica de ecosistemas en grado sexto. El estudio es de naturaleza mixta, aborda un componente cuantitativo por medio de la aplicacion de un cuestionario a los estudiantes para validar conocimientos con relacion al tema planteado; igualmente se trabaja un componente cualitativo a traves de la Investigacion Accion Participativa (IAP). Se exploran las ideas previas de los estudiantes con preguntas vinculadas al mundo de la vida, posteriormente se realiza una intervencion didactica que permita la conceptualizacion y construccion de saberes cientificos. Finalmente se hace una valoracion del proceso de aprendizaje mediante autoevaluacion y heteroevaluacion de lo conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal. Como resultado se evidencia el desarrollo de competencias del pensamiento cientifico como la observacion de fenomenos particulares y su registro, formulacion de hipotesis, analisis de resultados, generacion de conclusiones y trabajo en equipo. Se concluye que las actividades experienciales permiten al estudiante ubicarse desde el rol de cientifico cuando lo invitan a que observe, registre y genere conclusiones que efectivamente promueven esas competencias del pensamiento cientifico. EnglishThe teaching of ecosystems is part of the basic learning rights and is addressed from the third grade. However, various barriers have been specified that hinder their total understanding, and that is why in this research work, scientific and environmental experiences were developed that point to the strengths of scientific competencies in sixth grade students belonging to the institution. INEM officer Jose Celestino Mutis in the city of Armenia, Quindio. This qualitative research with an interpretive approach it developed in three moments: an approach to the students' previous ideas; a mediation between daily and scientific knowledge, and an evaluation of the teaching-learning process. As a result it was appreciated that the activities under te present case study. It was possible to promote cientifical thinking processes, like the observation of particular phenomena and their registration, the formulation of hypotheses,and resoult analisis, the generation conclusions and teamwork, which allow the appropriation of concepts and the understanding of specific dynamics for scientific knowledge construction. It is concluded that the experimental activities that allow the student to place himself in the role of scientist when he is invited to observe, record and generate conclusions, effectively promote those competences of scientific thought. Thus, it is recommended to continue implementing the didactic units in this subject, since experimentation marks paths towards the scientific formation of the students.
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